Drought Emergency Response Brava

International Relief Foundation (IRF) jointly with Caritas Somalia distributed food and non-foodstuff for 1,050 people flood-affected families in Brava IDP camps in Somalia’s Lower Shabelle Region.

The items consisting of rice, flour, sugar, cooking oil, mosquitos nets, blankets and tarpaulins were delivered to the displaced flood and drought victim in Brava the capital city of South West State of Somalia.

According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance, the flooding has affected more than 750,000 people with more than 229,000 displaced. Communities most affected by the flooding stay along the Shabelle and Jubba rivers.

The flooding, caused by the unusually heavy rains, has also led to fatalities and damage to infrastructure.

The target groups of this intervention are the most vulnerable floods hit communities.

These include mostly women, children, elders and minorities and they are the most marginalised communities in Somalia who has not rightfully received the attention needed, even though they may have been impacted equally or even worse than others but are not getting any humanitarian aid.

These are mainly due to a lack of access to humanitarian organisations.