Donation for children in Somalia

International Relief Foundation has distributed emergency food to the drought-affected families in Mogadishu and parts of the Southwest State of Somalia.

This intervention aimed to respond to the drought-affected areas in the south of Somalia and combat malnutrition among the children by distributing emergency food nutrition relief to those malnourished in Mogadishu and parts of southwest Somalia.

The project objective is to provide basic food needs, in this case, milk and Biscuits, to be distributed to children of different ethnic groups, aged between birth and five years, living in refugee camps for displaced persons in the area of Mogadishu.

The beneficiaries were 260 families, with 858 vulnerable identified as those in special situations of poverty and malnutrition, in 11 IDP camps in Mogadishu.

The emergency food distributions comprised 143 Cartoon of powdered milk (12 cans of 900 gr. / Box) and 143 biscuits (1 carton of 24 packs).

In the past 12 months, IRF activities in Somalia have been dominated by the emergency relief assistance required by the significant drought-induced food insecurity and by the needs of those who have suffered the famine.

The emergency food distributions for children in the IDP camps were launched in response to the crisis that started in 2011 due to the drought and conflict.